Below are examples of guided workshops & work produced from these workshops...
Mirror, Mirror
This is an edited film in two parts of an Imagined Spaces workshop for Book Week Scotland at The Larick Centre, Tayport, 21 November 2024.
Essaying across Hemispheres
‘Essaying across Hemispheres—Bringing North and South together... Dundee to Otago and Back Again’, was an invitation to respond creatively to the themes brought up by the visit of New Zealand writer, Lynley Edmeades, to the University of Dundee. Exploring ‘palimpsest thinking’, as though laying one hemisphere on top of another... we used poems by Edmeades, ‘Faute de Mieux’ and ‘Shore’ from Jim Stewart’s This, to imagine liminal spaces, to explore a somewhere with a sense of in-betweeness… a ‘here’ and a ‘there’.
On a fine spring day in April, we were all gathered at the University of Stirling for a conference, ‘Environmental Histories of Scotland: Mapping Out A Way Forward’, a diverse gathering of historians, geographers, archaeologists, policy makers and writers setting out to reflect on and understand the key challenges facing Scotland’s environment, policy and practitioner responses. At lunch, we sat outside in the courtyard, parks and lovely open-air spaces within the University parkland, conversed, thought and wrote….
The Voyage Out
An edited recording of a workshop by Kirsty Gunn, Reinhard Behrens and Gail Low for Book Week Scotland 2023, drawing on two instances of Behrens’ art work and a short extract from Charles Simic’s Dime Store Alchemy, to reflect creatively on adventures, travel and travel writing. Work by attendees at the event appear after the recording.
Essaying Stories of Home & Place
Stories can be found by everyone… in houses and attics... ideas for writings might be tucked away in boxes, recipes, furniture in rooms, in pieces of clothing at the back of a wardrobe... In family histories... discovered in conversations, letters, family archives, photos, films... In memories shared or stories told by others. Take a look at these lovely short pieces produced at the Book Week Scotland Workshop in November 2023, and worked on after the event.
Chimera: Creative responses
How might one make a relationship with art that’s thoughtful, creative and imaginative but which isn’t criticism professionalised? We challenged to our students to take us on personal, philosophical, imaginative and aesthetic journeys in words—reflecting on issues, questions, and concerns that arise from Chimera at the Cooper Gallery in Dundee. Poetic, wryly humorous, and impassioned, these varied creative responses ask questions about the nature of the art and gallery experiences….
‘Meeting Places’: A project commissioned by the Saltire Society
Meeting Places grew out of a number of creative writing workshops, including students of Lochaber High School in Fort William; Dundee International Women’s Centre; Hot Chocolate Youth Centre, Dundee; the University of Dundee and a special event for Book Week Scotland focusing specifically on queer voices. Meeting Places is a vibrant snapshot of creative thought from across generations and communities in Scotland.
Taking Books for a Walk: A Stanza Poetry Festival Workshop
Reviewing is conventionally thought of as a simple evaluative exercise. But how might we take a book for a walk—let the book talk to, even change, how we think about ourselves and the world? Participants were asked to reimagine reviewing as a creative conversation, and of inviting others into the room to be part of that discussion. Daniel Sluman’s Single Window (Nine Arches Press, 2021), shortlisted for the TS Eliot Poetry, was chosen for the task.
Waterlines: Book Week Scotland
As part of Book Week Scotland’s and The Scottish Coastal Rowing Association's ‘RowAround Scotland 2021’ festivities, ‘Waterlines’ was a workshop conceived to turn the delights of being on the water into words. Participants signed up for rowing tasters at a participating local club if they hadn’t already rowed in a skiff, then joined in free online reading and writing workshop to transform their experiences of being on or in the water into writing.
Hospitalfield Workshop for Schools
How might one write essays that take objects to generate work that conveys a sense of the presentness of an enounter—a relationship—rather an offer mere information? The Hospitalfield Workshop for Schools started with students and teachers from Angus, Dundee and Fife schools joining the roundtable on education and teaching in the main conference, ‘Taking Ideas for a Walk’. Exchanges were frank and free about writing within the limitations of an environment of mixed abilities and the urgency of preparing students for exams and coursework assessments.